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1 Translation result for unhappy in Spanish


unhappy adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
desafortunado, desventurado; infeliz, triste, desdichado; inoportuno, poco feliz

Example sentences of
unhappy adjective

  • I can see that he's unhappy, but I don't know why.
  • I've never seen her looking so unhappy.
  • For three unhappy days we were all stuck in the house because of the blizzard.
  • an unhappy choice of career
  • The movie's hero meets an unhappy fate.

Synonyms of
unhappy adjective

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Reverse translation for unhappy

desafortunado  - unfortunate, unlucky 
desventurado  - unfortunate, ill-fated 
infeliz  - unhappy, hapless, unfortunate, wretched 
triste  - sad, gloomy, desolate, dismal, sorry, sorry-looking, downcast 
desdichado  - unfortunate, miserable, unhappy 
inoportuno  - untimely, inopportune, inappropriate